A tractor-trailer overturned at the intersection of Southwest Eighth Street and Krome Avenue in west Miami-Dade, causing a fuel leak. Miami Dade Fire Rescue personnel rushed to the scene in order to contain the leak.

The investigation is ongoing, but the picture of the events that took place before the overturn is starting to materialize. Florida Highway Patrol has stated that there were no other vehicles involved in this incident and that the driver of the tractor-trailer lost control of the car.

It doesn’t appear as if the driver was seriously injured in the mayhem, which is extremely fortunate considering what took place. It’s unknown at this time whether or not foreign substances in the driver’s system, a vehicular mechanical issue, or some other factor caused the tractor-trailer to veer on the road.

Energy companies advise individuals to report fuel leaks immediately and do not recommend people try to approach or contain the leakage themselves.

Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath can be reached at (561) 655-1990 in the event you or someone you love is involved in a car accident.