While the end of the summer for students can be a bit of a downer, it can also serve as something to look forward to. Everyone will be back together in the same place every day so new memories and learning can take place. It’s a new chapter that everyone will write together.
However, on August 10, the first day of school for Palm Beach County public schools, that optimistic script was undermined. During the early morning hours on 6th Avenue South near Interstate 95, a serious incident occurred on the road involving a 2021 Chevy Malibu and a school bus.
The Chevy Malibu was being driven by a 16 year-old, who did not see the school bus stopped in front of him. The car rear-ended the bus, leaving him and a 15-year-old female passenger with serious injuries. Both were transported to St. Mary’s Medical Center for immediate attention, luckily, although serious, their injuries don’t appear to be life-threatening.
There were only two people on the school bus at the time of the incident. 60-year-old Julio Sierra was driving the bus, and his 13-year-old passenger.
The school bus was stopped at a safety check before the Tri-Rail train tracks with its safety lights turned on when the Malibu smacked into it. It wasn’t until after Sierra crossed the train tracks that he realized the damaged Malibu was adjoined to the bus, along for the ride.
“We just ask for people to be careful, to pay attention to the school zones, bus stops,” said Palm Beach County Superintendent Mike Burke. Via Newsbreak.com
Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath’s employees are all hoping for a speedy recovery for the injured parties, and for a safe 2022-2023 school year in Palm Beach. In the event motor vehicle accidents do arise, the firm remains present and able to help anyone who might be a victim. We can be reached at (561) 655-1990.