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$3 Million
Highlands County
Kevin C. Smith
$3 Million
Palm Beach County
Lance C. Ivey
$2.72 Million
Okeechobee County
Gabriel Isasi V, Lake H. "Trey" Lytal, III & Nicholas Maniotis
$2.55 Million
Palm Beach County
Lake “Trey” Lytal, III
$2.4 Million
Todd Fronrath (2019)
$2.3 Million
lance C. Ivey
$2 Million
Manatee County
Todd Fronrath
$2 Million
Palm Beach County
lake “Trey” Lytal, Ill
$2 Million
Monroe County
Lake H. "Trey" Lytal, III
$2 Million
Orange County
Lake H. "Trey" Lytal, III
$2 Million
Palm Beach County
Lake H. Lytal III
$2 Million
Lance Ivey-(2021)
$1.99 Million
Palm Beach County
Nicholas Maniotis & Nicholas C. Maniotis
$1.82 Million
Miami Dade County
Lake H. Lytal III
$1.70 Million
Palm Beach County
Lake H. "Trey" Lytal, III
$1.7 Million
Darla Keen (2015)
$1.7 Million
Palm Beach County
Lake H. "Trey" Lytal, III
$1.67 Million
Todd Fronrath (2020/2021)
$1.60 Million
Palm Beach County
William S. Williams
$1.56 Million
Darla Keen & Kevin Smith (2021)
$1.53 Million
Palm Beach County
Lance C. Ivey
$1.50 Million
Palm Beach County
Todd Fronrath
$1.5 Million
Broward County
William S. Williams
$1.50 Million
Palm Beach County
Lake H. "Trey" Lytal, III


Please be aware that the case results described above are not intended to be representative of usual results and not every result is typical or expected of every case. Every case is different and case values may change on small facts and case differences. Please contact our office to discuss your case and the range of reasonable case values for your personal injury case.


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