how to look up a license plate

Whether you want to purchase a used vehicle or track down a driver who left an accident scene, it’s important to be aware of the strict limitations on the kind of information you can obtain in a license plate search. There are also legal and ethical considerations you’ll need to keep in mind.

The following is a brief rundown of how to look up a license plate in Florida. If you’re ever in a crash caused by someone else, contact Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath online or give us a call at (561) 655-1990 for a free consultation.

Reasons for finding license plate information

There are a lot of legitimate reasons someone would want to find license plate information.

Car wrecks and other incidents

You might have been in an accident with a hit-and-run driver, or you might have seen a car that was involved in a crime. You might want the license plate information to help law enforcement or for insurance purposes.

Safety and security concerns

If you have reason to believe a vehicle is part of some sort of illegal activity, getting information from the license plate could be helpful for reporting your suspicions to the police.

Private investigations

You could be a private investigator and you need information for a background check, or to help locate someone who’s missing.

Methods of finding license plate information

Learning how to look up a license plate is a lot different from just a few years ago, thanks to the internet. It used to be that you’d always have to go to your local Department of Motor Vehicles office, take a number and then wait for hours. But now there are several online sources where you can gather the information you want in seconds.

Online databases

Some of the websites are free, but others will require payment. In most cases, you can use the plate number or the vehicle identification number, or VIN., for example, will give you basic information on the vehicle’s year, make, and model.

If you want any other information, however, you’ll have to pay. A seven-day trial is $5.05, a single report is $16.78, and a one-year unlimited plan is $35.40.

The information you’ll receive includes the following:

  • The vehicle owner’s name
  • Any citations associated with the plate
  • Information on DUI/DWI offenses
  • Details on the vehicle’s registration
  • Accident reports
  • A vehicle history report


If you’d rather do things the old-fashioned way, you could always go to the nearest DMV office and wait. You’ll need to provide the reason for your request, and you also need to remember that you might not get all the information you want. Access to many types of personal information is only available to authorized individuals.

Legal and ethical considerations

Intent is the most important consideration when it comes to license plate lookups. Anyone performing a search must comply with not only federal laws but state laws as well. In some instances, they’ll need permission from the vehicle owner.

No one can ever perform a search for nefarious purposes, such as stalking or harassment. If they do, they could face legal consequences.

Driver Privacy Protection Act

The Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPA) is designed to keep private information from falling into just anyone’s hands. For example, people performing lookups won’t gain access to the driver’s Social Security number, medical information, ID or driver’s license number, or their contact information (name, address, telephone number), unless they have a permissible purpose as laid out in the DPA statute. While the DPA allows certain parties to obtain license plate information for marketing purposes, the state of Florida does not.

The DPA spells out 14 “permissible uses” allowing people to obtain information through a license plate lookup. These include matters involving driver safety, vehicle theft, recalls, and several others. You can see the full list by going here.

Potential consequences of misusing license plate information

If anyone violates privacy laws or misuses the information they obtain through a license plate lookup, they could face serious consequences. If someone, for instance, uses license plate information to harass or harm someone, they could face civil lawsuits and suffer significant financial losses. They may face criminal charges as well.

The ethical ramifications could also be damaging. It could harm a person’s personal and professional reputation, affecting not only relationships but also future economic opportunities.

These are just some of the reasons why it’s critical that people know how to look up a license plate responsibly, use the information they obtain with caution, and respect all privacy laws.

We’re ready to help

Please don’t hesitate to contact a Florida car accident lawyer with Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath if you’ve suffered an injury due to another motorist’s negligence. Call (561) 655-1990 or contact us online for a free case review.