Jelly MDHV

Can Nursing Errors Result in a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

Did you know that preventable medical errors are the third leading cause for death in the United States? Doctors, pharmacists, chiropractors, and nurses are among the many healthcare workers who contribute to this terrifying statistic. At the law office of Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath, we have successfully represented clients who were injured because of nursing error related to:

  • Medication administration
  • Infection
  • Charting or documentation errors
  • Falling accidents
  • Equipment injuries
  • Neglect

Successfully Litigating Claims for Nursing Errors

Why do Nursing Errors Occur? Most nurses are very skilled professionals who do their best to provide quality care. Unfortunately, even the most dedicated nurses aren’t immune to serious, even life-threatening mistakes. The most common causes of nursing error include:

  • Overworked and Understaffed: Studies show that nurses are interrupted in their tasks an average of six times per hour, and most hospitals force nurses to provide mandatory overtime to help compensate for the shortage of adequately trained nurses on staff. These nurses are three times as likely to make an error after working 12.5 hours or more. In fact, 30% of all registered nurses admit that they were aware of making at least one mistake in the last month.
  • Underqualified Staff: As hospitals try to save money by hiring fewer and fewer registered nurses, they instead hire “nursing aids” to make up to a third of their entire nursing staff. Many of these aids have little medical training and no high school diploma. With the numbers in mind, it is no wonder that nursing errors have increased constantly over the last decade, resulting in at least 2,000 deaths and 10,000 injuries.

Our staff includes an invaluable team of nurses who can easily recognize when a nursing error has indeed been the cause of injury, loss, or death. They will work with you and your attorney to ensure fair compensation is secured and that your case is successfully litigated to its fullest extent.

If you have a malpractice claim involving nursing error, contact us today for a free initial consultation.

Medical Malpractice lawyer

Our office provides top-notch medical malpractice representation in West Palm Beach. We have handled a number of nursing error cases, including:

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Top Nursing Errors Attorney

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Important Notice: Safety is our top priority at Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath. You can access our services from home via phone, online chat, Facetime, or Zoom. Our aim is to provide justice while safeguarding everyone’s health.

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