Safety Resolutions
Many people do not consider making road safety a New Year’s Resolution. However, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are recognized as a dangerous time of year for both pedestrians and motorists. That means, many people who are slack about roadway safety during this period and the rest of the year, could be at risk of being killed or injured in an accident. As such, they may not get a chance to follow through on any of their more exciting New Year’s resolutions. Road safety resolutions may save your life.
According to the National Safety Commission (NSC), drunk driving contributes to more than half of roadside fatalities in the early hours of New Year’s Day. There is also a sharp increase in the number of pedestrian accidents during this holiday. Studies show that more people go out on New Year’s Eve to socialize. Celebratory activities increase the number of inebriated and distracted drivers. As a result, both drivers and pedestrians pay less attention to roadway safety overall.
Even if roadway safety is not your idea of a New Year’s resolution, there are many things that you can do to help prevent accidents and injuries on New Year’s Eve and throughout the year:
- Make a decision to not drink and drive. Driving after having even a few drinks increases your risk of causing or avoiding an accident. If you plan to drink also make a plan to get home safely calling a sober family member, taxi or Uber service. Never drive if you have been drinking or get into a vehicle with a driver that has been drinking.
- Resolve to be a focused driver. Texting and driving is a dangerous combination. Turn off your mobile device or utilize an app to help discourage the habit of texting while driving. Texting, reading or respond to a text while driving is a distraction that can result in road fatalities and major injuries. There are many phone apps that can help to keep you and your teen driver from engaging in distracted driving.
- Car Maintenance. Collision specialist identify the lack of car maintenance as a major cause of vehicular accidents. Faulty brakes, broken windscreen wipers, tire blowouts, electrical problems and engine failure are just some of the maintenance issues that can lead to a serious accident. They suggest you implement a regular maintenance schedule to keep your vehicle in optimum condition for roadway safety. Regular check-ups will also enable you to respond properly in an emergency.
- Resolve to be a safe driver. Studies show most drivers will be in at least one accident over the course of their driving years. However, resolving to be a safe driver by reviewing the laws of the road, improving your driving skill by taking a defensive driving course, obeying the speed limit, keeping your vehicle in good condition and avoiding inebriated or distracted driving can help to prevent accidents and save lives.
- Be a conscious consumer. Avoid painful slip and falls when walking or using public facilities and stairways by paying attention to broken or damaged rails, wet surfaces, cracks and clutter on walking paths.
- Exercise pedestrian and bicycle Safety Rules such as looking in all directions before entering a roadway, watching out for turning vehicles, crossing streets at marked crosswalks or intersections when they are available, paying attention to and obeying “WALK” and “DON’T WALK” traffic signals.
While these safety precautions do not guarantee that you will never be in an accident, they may help to minimize the impact of and automobile accident, injuries sustained, prevent a fatality, or your contribution to the accident in the event that one does occur.
To learn more about what you can do if you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident, call for a free consultation today at (561) 655-1990 or visit our website.
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About Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath
Conveniently located in West Palm Beach for 27 years, Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath, LLP concentrates in Personal Injury, Wrongful death, Medical Malpractice, Product Liability and Auto accidents. At Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath, we specialize in helping victims and their families get fair compensation for injuries caused by the negligence or recklessness of others. Our main areas of practice include personal injury, wrongful death, auto accidents, product liability, medical malpractice, and premise liability. We provide each client with the highest quality representation from a top Florida accident and injury lawyer.
Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath
515 N Flagler Dr, 10th Floor
West Palm Beach
Florida, FL 33401
(561) 655-1990
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