Recent flooding has caused certain gas deliveries to be delayed, leaving certain drivers empty when they get to the station.
“This is the third one I’ve gone to try to find gas,” said driver Jorge Alvarez. “I didn’t want to put myself in a pinch thinking I have enough to last me through the week if there’s a shortage right now. Via
Petroleum terminals in the vicinity have been negatively impacted by the recent heavy rain. Officials maintain that there is not a shortage of available gas, just that the transportation of fuel has been curtailed by weather-induced obstacles.
From an air travel perspective, Palm Beach International Airport has remained unaffected by the recent issues at Port Everglades.
For the next couple of days, this may create a mad dash to certain gas stations that are confirmed to have fuel – and with a mad dash comes a heightened risk for collisions.
“Luckily, I filled up yesterday, so I’m good for a week,” said Sherry O’Brien. “But a lot of people, I’m sure, will be stressing about it.” Via
Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath hopes the fuel situation can be corrected in short order, as this has the potential to impact a large number of South Floridians. We can be reached at (561) 655-1990 to help review and handle motor vehicle accident cases.